Provides a built-in data frame showing the list of allowed Opal valueType values and their corresponding R data types. This data frame is mainly used for internal processes and programming.




A data frame with 12 rows and 7 columns:


data type as described in Opal


data type provided by base::typeof


data class provided by base::class


function to transpose object according function


ensemble data type as described in Opal


ensemble data type provided by base::typeof


ensemble data type which valueType belongs



The valueType is a declared property of a variable that is required in certain functions to determine handling of the variables. Specifically, valueType refers to the OBiBa data type of a variable. The valueType is specified in a data dictionary in a column 'valueType' and can be associated with variables as attributes. Acceptable valueTypes include 'text', 'integer', 'decimal', 'boolean', datetime', 'date'. The full list of OBiBa valueType possibilities and their correspondence with R data types are available using valueType_list. The valueType can be used to coerce the variable to the corresponding data type.




#> # A tibble: 12 × 7
#>    valueType  typeof    class     call          toValueType toTypeof genericType
#>    <chr>      <chr>     <chr>     <chr>         <chr>       <chr>    <chr>      
#>  1 NA         character character as.character… text        charact… character  
#>  2 text       character character as.character… text        charact… character  
#>  3 integer    integer   integer   as_any_integ… integer     integer  numeric    
#>  4 decimal    double    numeric   as.numeric    decimal     double   numeric    
#>  5 boolean    logical   logical   as_any_boole… boolean     logical  numeric    
#>  6 locale     character character as.character… text        charact… character  
#>  7 datetime   double    POSIXct   as.POSIXct    decimal     double   datetime   
#>  8 date       double    Date      as_any_date   decimal     double   date       
#>  9 binary     character character as.character… text        charact… character  
#> 10 point      character character as.character… text        charact… character  
#> 11 linestring character character as.character… text        charact… character  
#> 12 polygon    character character as.character… text        charact… character