Removes any attributes attached to a data frame. Any value in columns will be preserved. Any 'Date' (typeof) column will be recast as character to preserve information.




A dataset object.


A data frame identifying a dataset.


A dataset is a data table containing variables. A dataset object is a data frame and can be associated with a data dictionary. If no data dictionary is provided with a dataset, a minimum workable data dictionary will be generated as needed within relevant functions. Identifier variable(s) for indexing can be specified by the user. The id values must be non-missing and will be used in functions that require it. If no identifier variable is specified, indexing is handled automatically by the function.



# use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package

dataset <- madshapR_DEMO$dataset_TOKYO
data_dict <- as_data_dict_mlstr(madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_TOKYO)
dataset <- data_dict_apply(dataset,data_dict)

#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   part_id gndr   height weight_ms weight_dc dob        prg_ever empty opentext  
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         <dbl> <lgl> <chr>     
#> 1 ID001   Male      191        63        NA 3/22/1990        -7 NA    All child…
#> 2 ID002   Female    176        NA        65 8/15/2001         0 NA    grow up, …
#> 3 ID003   Female    154        NA       121 12/17/1996        2 NA    years old…
#> 4 ID004   Female    167       -88        NA 6/13/1990         1 NA    flower an…
#> 5 ID005   Female    185        NA        45 12/17/1996        8 NA    rather de…
#> 6 ID006   -77       171        57        NA 3/31/1981        -7 NA    cried, Oh…